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Future Medicine: Implanting bioelectronic devices can relieve pain

A team of Rice University engineers has introduced the first neural implant that can be both programmed and charged remotely with a magnetic field. Their breakthrough may make possible imbedded devices like a spinal cord-stimulating unit with a battery-powered magnetic transmitter on a wearable belt. The integrated microsystem, called MagNI (for magnetoelectric neural implant), incorporates magnetoelectric transducers. These allow the chip to harvest power from an alternating magnetic field outside the body. 



A large number of scientific and technical knowledge and achievements in electronics have been widely used in the field of biology, which has strengthened the cooperation between biomedical workers and electronic engineers.

Insight-Electronic is an academic and technical journal which publishes articles of the latest academics, techniques and reviews in the fields of electronic technology, communications engineering, computer science, network security and optoelectronic materials, as well as bioelectronic medicine. This journal accepts original studies, review, case reports and short communications. Subscribers include but not limited to universities, research institutes, and electronics industry institutions. We sincerely welcome submissions from everyone.

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