In a race to cure his daughter, a Google programmer enters the world of hyper-personalized drugs.
To create atipeksen, he borrowed from recent biotech successes like gene therapy. Some new drugs, including cancer therapies, treat disease by directly manipulating genetic information inside a patient’s cells. Now doctors like Yu find they can alter those treatments as if they were digital programs. Change the code, reprogram the drug, and there’s a chance of treating many genetic diseases, even those as unusual as Ipek’s.
That technology is called ‘antisense.’ Inside a cell, DNA encodes information to make proteins. Between the DNA and the protein, though, come messenger molecules called RNA that ferry the gene information out of the nucleus. Think of antisense as mirror-image molecules that stick to specific RNA messages, letter for letter, blocking them from being made into proteins. It’s possible to silence a gene this way, and sometimes to overcome errors, too.
The journal PREVENTIVE MEDICINE RESEARCH has similar research reports,Preventive Medicine Research focuses on prevention, depends on advances in science and technology, adheres to the combination of popularization and improvement, pays attention to the achievements of public health development, tracks the forefront of academic development of preventive medicine, and serves professionals in the field of preventive medicine. The magazine mainly disseminates new theories, new technologies, new methods and new achievements in preventive medicine research. Covers epidemiology, epidemiology, parasitology, environmental health, labor and occupational health, nutrition and food hygiene, child and adolescent health, radiation health, maternal and child health, community health, health toxicology, health inspection technology, health education and Experiences in research and prevention of disciplines such as health promotion and public health management; literature review and topical discussion with practical reference value; contributions from marginal disciplines, soft sciences, and basic theoretical studies related to preventive medicine.
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