PiscoMed Publishing Welcome cooperation
Editorial Policy
Authors are required to read the “Author Guidelines” before submission and make sure that the manuscript is compiled on the grounds of the journal's policy.
All manuscripts submitted to the journals of the Publisher will undergo a stringent double anonymous peer review process (refering to that in the Author Guidelines). Prior to peer review, factors of a manuscipt that will be taken into account are acceptable English language, novelty and originality, and relevance to the Focus and Scope of the journal.
The information collected is to be used exclusively for the stated purposes of our publishing platform and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter that includes the main innovations of the study, a Conflict of Interest statement, a statement of non-submission to other journals, reproducibility of data, and signatures of all authors approving the submission of the manuscript. If the work involves human research, please provide the informed consent statement, while the Ethics Approval should be stated when there are animal trials.
Code of Publishing Ethics
PiscoMed Publishing endorses the publisher insisting that all editors, reviewers, authors, editorial staff, and readers adhere strictly to the Core Practices of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and related international publishing rules, including but not limited to: the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing developed by World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The publisher requires notification if the data of the manuscript have been presented on other platforms. Manuscripts that have been published or are being considered for publication in any other journals are not accepted. Authors need to fill out the submission checklist to ensure that these criteria are met.
The publisher requires that all data submitted by authors are true, reliable, scientific, and free of manipulated fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and other misconduct behaviors. The data and materials must be reproducible so that scholars can repeat the experimental results following the steps in the Materials and Methods section. All raw data are encouraged to be submitted to the editorial office or preserved in a dataset repository.
This journal is in an open access model and copyrights of published articles are owned by the authors; any citation and reuse require no permission but reasonable citation of the source. Use/citation of others research requires authorization from the copyright owner of the published work.
Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments, so that authors can use them for improving the paper. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the paper.
Appeal and complaint
Submission of a manuscript to PiscoMed Publishing implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that the manuscript conforms to the journal's ethical and publishing policies.
Authors should present an objective discussion of the significance of the research work as well as sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the experiments. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Review articles should also be objective, comprehensive, and accurate accounts of the state of the art. Authors should ensure that their work is entirely original, and if the work and/or words of others have been used, this has been appropriately acknowledged. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. If a complaint regarding an article is verified, the manuscript under the process will be rejected. If the article has been published, a retraction will be posted with the reasons, and all the authors and their institutes will be informed. Authors are welcome to appeal within 14 days once the decision is received. Authors also have the right to file appeal and complaints with the publisher regarding editorial decisions, manuscript handling processes, and publishing ethics issues. Appeal emails are always open at editorial@piscomed.com.
Reviewers and editors should evaluate manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit. A reviewer/editor must not use unpublished information in their research without the express written consent of the author. Editors should take reasonable responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper. If the complaint is revolving the peer review process, the Editor-in-Chief will organize a panel to investigate all processes. If any malfeasance is found on the part of the editorial staff, editors, or reviewers, the participants will be dealt with seriously and even banned from future participation in article processing.
The journal editors take all possible misconducts seriously. The editors, authors, or readers can forward their concerns to the journal if they find out that the description in a submitted article may constitute academic fraud, research misconduct, or publication malpractice. The concerns or complaints on the possible allegations submitted to the journal will be dealt with promptly and appropriately according to the procedure set out in the COPE's guidance on complaints. Complainants may direct all inquiries and correspondence to the publisher at editorial@piscomed.com.
Open Access Policy
Articles in the journal are published under an open access license (CC BY 4.0), and worldwide readers can access them freely at any time. According to the license (CC BY 4.0):
●Everyone has free access to the full content of the articles published by the journal.
●Everyone can share the articles by copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format for any purpose.
●Everyone can remix, transform, and build upon the material in the articles for any purpose with correct citations of the sources.
●Authors retain the copyright of their works.
●Article Processing Charges (APCs) are funded by the author's institutes or research projects.
There are many benefits for authors under the open access license:
1. Authors work can be spread infinitely by all people, expanding the work's reach and audience.
2. Authors could receive more communications from the same community.
3. Publications will have more visibility and citations worldwide, which is valuable for improving the author's academic standards.
Conflict of Interest
The publisher requires a declaration of conflict of interest (COI) from all parties involved in the processing of an article. The editorial office of the journal strictly excludes any potential conflict of interest (e.g., affiliation) that may arise from financial or non-financial factors such as sponsorship, project support, affiliate, etc., in order to maintain the objectivity and scientific integrity of scholarly publishing.
Any potential conflict of interest must be disclosed in the Conflict of Interest section. If there is no potential conflict of interest, please add the statement, such as “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
Authors should provide the statement of conflict of interest during the submitting stage. The journal has the right to reject an article lacking COI. Authors may mark a list of excluded or recommended reviewers, and these materials are considered to be confidential.
Reviewers should disclose the potential conflict of interest when assigned the review task. If there are any relationships between the reviewers and authors considered by the editorial office, then they will be substituted by other experts. Reviewers have the right to recommend other experts to be reviewers.
Editors should also disclose the COI when assigned the article processing work. Editors must not be colleagues, co-authors, or any supporting or cooperating part with the authors. Any potential link should be disclosed to avoid the possibility of peer review manipulation.
Misconduct Policy
PiscoMed Publishing takes zero tolerance for academic unethical behaviors. Manuscripts will be rejected at any stage upon verification of misconduct.
The publisher will not accept any plagiarized work. We feel a strong obligation to support the scientific community in all aspects of research and publishing ethics. We use Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate to check manuscripts originality prior to peer review. In the case where authors have used someone else's or own previously published work/words, they should be properly attributed through appropriate citation. Any detection of overlapping and excessive similar texts in the manuscripts will be considered plagiarism, thus leading to the rejection of the submission.
Fabrication and falsification
The publisher upholds the integrity and fairness of scientific research, and any potential of data fabrication or data falsification is a very serious unethical academic behavior that the publisher is determined to eliminate. Authors are advised to provide all raw data for this research work, including but not limited to, submitting it at the manuscript submission stage or uploading the dataset to a data repository. It is important to note that the academic reputation of authors in the international community will be greatly affected if they are found to have falsified or fabricated their data.
Duplicate submission
The publisher does not consider manuscripts that are under consideration by another journals, and multiple submissions at the same time are discouraged.
Disclosure of conflict of interest aims to avoid potential manipulation of the peer review process.
Editors may have serious ethical issues if they did not disclose the COI quite frankly. Once the manipulation is verified, the editors will be excluded from processing any manuscripts and not allowed to serve as editors for the publisher.
Reviewers are discouraged from manipulating unreasonable citation of their works. The editorial office has a threshold for the number of citations from reviewers.
Authors should not allow excessive citations of their previous works. Simialarily, a threshold is set here for authors' self-citation of their work.
The publisher takes academic misconduct seriously. Everyone has the right to complain to the publisher. Once the complaint is verified, all the authors institutes will be informed, and all the journals in the publisher will not receive any new manuscripts from these institutes in the following 3 years. Authors, reviewers, and editors should adhere to a scientific attitude of integrity, cherish their academic honor, and work together to promote the progress of scientiv research in the community.
All articles submitted to the journals of the publishershould be written in either British English or American English, to make the paper reach as many people as possible. If the author is not a native English speaker and needs help, a professional language editing service is available here.
The authorship of a work needs to meet the following four criteria referring to International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
● Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
● Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
● Final approval of the version to be published.
● Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for other specific parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors. A corresponding author takes charge of contacting the editorial office and responding all the inquiries initiated by the editorial office. Note that a corresponding author has the responsibility to submit a new manuscript and notify all the authors of queries and decisions. The number of corresponding authors and co-first authors is both up to two.
Changes of authorship
Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the author list can only be made before the manuscript's acceptance for publication. The corresponding author should provide the editorial office with the reason for the change in the list of authors and the written confirmation certificate of all authors (including existing authors and authors to be added or deleted) agreeing to the change. Authors are responsible for carefully checking the list and order of authors before submitting a manuscript.
Requests for changes of authorship require editorial approval before any changes can be made.
Correction, Withdrawal, and Retraction
The publisher makes every effort to maintain the integrity of academic research and to craft each article with care. However, some minor errors are still unavoidable. Readers, authors, and reviewers are encouraged to contact the journal's editorial office if they notice any suspected errors and a correction note will be issued promptly after approval of the Editor-in-Chief.
Errors made by editors are “errata”, and errors made by authors are “corrigenda”. Neither errata nor corrigenda have affected the scientific results of the paper. Ideally, all the errors will be detected by the authors and corrected by the publisher before the final publication.
The publisher does not encourage the withdrawal of a manuscript under consideration by the journal. If you decide to withdraw your manuscript after it has been accepted (but not yet published), you must write a letter addressed to our editors at editorial@piscomed.com, explaining the reason(s) for your withdrawal. Only applications with sound and valid reasons will be accepted. Normally, withdrawal of accepted papers is initiated by an editor, for reasons like suspected misconduct and ethical violation.
It should be noted that withdrawing a paper that has been processed for peer review or is under peer review is more difficult compared to withdrawing a new submission, for the time the editors and reviewers spent during the editing and evaluating processes.
If the approval of withdrawal is granted, a penalty fee of USD 200 is required; a notification of confirmation will be sent to you through email, and the paper will be removed from the journal's online submission system.
The paid Article Processing Charge will not be refunded if your papers are withdrawn for academic misconduct and ethical violation.
Retraction is the withdrawal of an article that has already been published. It is extremely serious and has a negative impact on authors, journals, and the academic community. The retraction is generally initiated by the editorial office. Reasons for retraction include but are not limited to:
1) Misconduct: there are major ethical violations such as incorrect citations, duplicate submissions, falsified data, and false authorship.
2) Errors: there are serious errors, such as wrong calculation results, unscientific experimental steps, wrong analysis and interpretation. They all affect the correctness of scientific research and the reliability of test results.
Once the issues above are verified, the editorial office will decide to retract the article online without the approval of the authors. Retracted articles are not deleted from the archive and article information is retained on the article page to maintain the integrity and permanence of the scientific record. The retraction statement includes the reason for the retraction and the action taken, and will be communicated to the editors, reviewers involved in the processing of the article, authors, and their institutions. The retraction statement and the article page will be bi-directionally linked to ensure that readers read the latest updates. Authors who have any objections can appeal within 14 days of receiving the retraction notice, and it is the responsibility of their institution to cooperate with the investigation of this issue.
Copyright and License
Copyright on any open access article in a journal published by PiscoMed Publishing is retained by the author(s).
Authors grant PiscoMed Publishing a license to publish, copy, distribute, and convey the article.
The current adopted license, the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles. The license (CC BY 4.0) means:
Share: Everyone can copy and redistribute the open-access content in the journal.
Adapt: Materials in the articles can be remixed, reused, and reanalyzed for any purpose.
Attribution: You must cite the source with the correct license if some changes to the materials are made, but that does not mean that the licensor endorses you or your use.
Authors should ensure that the content of the article is not involved in a copyright dispute before submitting it. For previously published articles, authors should obtain permission from the copyright holder if the material is under a more restrictive license.
Authors are obliged to declare in the cover letter if the version of their submission has been deposited on a preprint server, and provide any associated accession numbers or DOIs. Usually, authors are permitted to post their non-peer-reviewed original research manuscripts to community preprint servers, i.e., revised manuscripts after being peer-reviewed should not be posted.
If the article has already been published, authors need to clearly indicate on the preprint where the article has been published and link to the article's page in the journal.
Data Sharing and Deposition
The publisher is committed to maintaining scientific fairness and reproducibility. We encourage authors to submit manuscripts to the journal with a data availability statement disclosed in the cover letter. The statement should provide information about the availability of the research data and any limitations or conditions associated with accessing the data.
Data Sharing
The publisher encourages authors to share their raw data and materials. During the submission stage, the raw data and materials can be submitted as a supplementary file. Also, authors should provide the source they used, so that reviewers and readers can reuse them or repeat the experiment. This is an important way to ensure transparency and fairness in scientific research.
Reviewers and editors have the right and responsibility to evaluate the correctness. If raw materials are assessed to be unscientific, the manuscript will be rejected. If there are errors in the published dataset used by the author, editors will communicate with the journal where the dataset has been published about the assessment and handling procedures. Authors should keep in mind that any data must be authentic and reliable, either from the experimental process or using a published dataset.
Data Citation
When authors reuse or remix a published dataset, they should cite the correct source and acknowledge the original authors. Authors need to properly reflect the cited source in the reference, including the necessary information such as author, title, journal name/repository name, year of publication/release, doi, etc.
Data Repository
Authors are encouraged to deposit their data or materials in a data repository. Generally, authors can find a registered database via DataCite and re3data. Also, authors are recommended to use a community database, e.g., Open Science Framework, Dryad Digital Repository, Figshare, Harvard Dataverse, Zenodo, and Science Data Bank.
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
All articles published in the journal are in the Gold Open Access model. We play an active role in open access, working to build bridges to knowledge in research. Readers are free of all restrictions on access as soon as articles are published online. Article processing charges (APCs), are required for open access articles, and fees will come from the authors institutions or other research funding agencies. APCs cover all costs of manuscript processing, such as peer review, copy-editing, typesetting, publishing, content archiving, and digital preservation. Manuscripts rejected are free of charge. Articles without peer review will be published freely, such as Editorial, and Corrigenda. APCs do not vary by article length or number of charts.
Please note that manuscripts withdrawn will be charged, and those retracted will not be refunded. Please refer to the Correction, Retraction, and Withdrawal Policy.
Waiver Policy
The publisher is committed to removing economic barriers to knowledge sharing and learning. To support researchers in low-income countries, a waiver policy has been developed. Authors who are interested in applying for a waiver can contact editorial@piscomed.com.
Authors serving as reviewers, Editorial Board Members, or from cooperating institutes may be offered discount vouchers. The journal office reserves the right to approve or reject a waiver application case by case.
Advertising Policy
Advertisers are welcome to place advertisements on our site if the content is credible, relevant, and helpful for our target audience. Advertisements must comply with the relevant regulations of the country where they appear. All advertisements placed on the journal's official website must be approved by the publisher. Advertisements should meet the following points:
1) Advertisements related to the journal area are welcome.
2) Advertisements are independent and their content and sponsors must not influence editorial content and decisions.
3) The content of advertisements must not be misleading or deceptive. The content of an advertisement does not imply an endorsement, and the journal is not responsible for the content of the advertisement.
4) The publishier has the right to withdraw an advertisement at any time.
5) The journal does not guarantee the place where advertisements may be displayed.
6) The journal will not accept any application for an advertisement that is contrary to science, scholarship, ethics, policy, religion, or common sense. The journal reserves the right to reject advertising applications.
The journal welcomes any complaints or inquiries about advertisements at editorial@piscomed.com.
Units of Measurement
Units of measurement should be presented simply and concisely using System International (SI) units.
Indexing & Archiving
All articles published in this journal are included and indexed in the following databases:
Google Scholar
National Library of Singapore
Data storage methods:
● Self-archive: Authors are encouraged to self-archive final versions of their published articles in institutional databases (such as institutions listed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories).
● PKP: All articles published in our journals are archived by PKP for long-term digital preservation.
● Articles stored on the website: Authors are encouraged to get the final PDF published on the website.
● Facts and opinions in articles published by PiscoMed Publishing are only personal statements of respective authors.
● The publication of any article, advertisement, or product information does not imply endorsement by the journal and/or by the publisher.
● The journal and/or its publisher accept no responsibility for any errors or consequences arising from the use of the information contained in the journal.
● PiscoMed Publishing remains neutral in terms of the jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Privacy Statement
When you submit to the journal, you should register an account, and fill in your name, email, affiliate, country, etc. Also, you are encouraged to provide more detailed personal information, e.g., the telephone number, ORCID, homepage, etc. The username and password will be collected to identify the user and manage all the accounts.
The information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Hyperlinks to third-party content on the journal's web pages are provided for readers' reference, and the journal is not responsible for the consequences caused by visiting any third-party platform.
You have the right to change your information, and request us to delete or update the information if any necessary. Please contact editorial@piscomed.com if you have any questions.
AIGC Policy
This section sets forth the policy for Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC). The publisher mandates that authors disclose the use of AI tools, specifying where and how they are used. The names of AI tools should be included in the Materials and Methods section or the Acknowledgments section. Failure to comply will be considered academic misconduct if discovered. The publisher permits the use of AI tools for inserting references, typesetting the entire text, and making appropriate language modifications. However, the use of AI tools for tasks such as the experimental process of the article, data analysis, and result generation is prohibited. Authors are also prohibited from misusing AI tools to expedite paper generation. Upon identification, authors and their institutions will be notified and may face serious consequences. For any inquiries, please contact editorial@piscomed.com.
Human and Animal Research
Human Research
Research involving human subjects must be in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. All the manuscripts submitted must obtain ethical approval from the research ethics committee; information covers the committee's name, trials ID, committee board, etc. The collected approval statement should be listed on the paper to ensure the transparency and reliability of the research process. The ethics committee should cooperate with editors and reviewers in information inquiries and investigations. The journal reserves the right to reject a manuscript with suspected ethical issues, and the treatment will be taken in accordance with COPE guidelines.
Informed Consent
All works involving human subjects should obtain written Informed Consent from the subjects, which must candidly disclose to the subject all the implications that will likely arise if the article is published. If the subjects are vulnerable or deceased, a written Informed Consent Statement must be obtained from their guardian, next of kin, or relative. Authors are responsible for protecting the privacy of human subjects. Disclosure of any identifying information should be avoided. If partial disclosure is necessary because of the need for a complete interpreration of the study, authors should obtain informed consent from the subjects or their representatives prior to submission.
Animal Research
Research works involving animal trials must comply with international guidelines, such as ARRIVE Guidelines, Three Rs, and EU Regulations on Animal Research. Animal welfare must also be considered. Authors are encouraged to be in compliance with the Code of Practice for the Housing and Care of Animals Used in Scientific Procedures and Core Principles for the Care and Use of Animals in Research. Ethical approval should be obtained from ethics committees of author institutions. If a study is granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, the name of the ethics committee granting the exemption and the reason for the exemption should be detailed. The publisher has the right to reject a manuscript if it fails to provide reasonable ethical approval or violates relevant ethical codes.
Section Collection Policy
This publisher aims to gather thematic articles that bridge different scientific disciplines. Authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the ethical and publishing policies, as well as the Author Guidelines of each journal. Afterward, authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to the most relevant section collection.
Section Collection Editors
The selection of section collection editors will be based on experts interests, academic backgrounds, and publication experience. Scholars may also apply to the journal office to become guest editors for a section collection topic. A senior expert will be chosen as the lead guest editor for the development of the section collection.
Proposal for a Section Collection
Scholars are welcome to propose a section collection. The proposal should include a summary that is essential for the editorial office to evaluate, including an introduction, keywords, guest editors' names, affiliation, and email. It is also encouraged to provide a list of potential authors.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts submitted to a section collection will undergo the same peer review process as regular submissions. The Editor-in-Chief will oversee the entire peer review process for each article. Any complaints or appeals will be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), and the EiC's decision will be final.
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Dr. Eric Li
E-mail: eli6@piscomed.com
Tel: +65 8822 5925
Editorial Office
PiscoMed Publishing Pte. Ltd.
73 Upper Paya Lebar Road #07-02B-11 Centro Bianco Singapore 534818
PiscoMed Publishing started off with a focus in advancing medical research; however, with the advancement of all areas of science, technology and medicines, PiscoMed has decided to venture into all areas of research, publishing quality journals that will support the scholarly and professional community across the globe.