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Informed consent policy

  • For authors: Once submitting a manuscript, It means that you have be aware of all publishing policies & ethics,  and will strictly abide by them.

  • For reviewers: Once accepting the request to become a reviewer, it means that you must be aware of the peer review policies, and proactively disclose of all potential conflicts of interest, and guarantee that an article will be judged fairly and objectively. 

  • For publisher: This journal  is not liable to the statements, perspectives, and opinions contained in the published articles. The appearance of advertisements in the journal shall not be construed as a warranty, endorsement, or approval of the products or services advertised and/or the safety thereof. This journal and the Publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in the articles or advertisements.

Statement of Informed Consent

Patients have a right to their privacy and it should not be violated without informed consent. Authors should protect their patients’ right to privacy by requesting written consent from the patients or patient’s guardian to publish his/her data, including photographs and radiological images, prior to publication. To protect the patient’s anonymity, clinical photographs should be cropped appropriately (or eye bars can be utilised) to ensure that the patient is unrecognizable. Other details such as the race, ethnicity, religion or cultural background of a subject under study should be mentioned only when it is believed to have an impact on course of the disease and/or treatment discussed in the study. If changing the biographical details and/or identifying characteristics is done in order to protect anonymity, authors should provide assurance that the changes do not falsify the scientific meaning of a manuscript/report. The informed consent form/agreement should be included in as a supplementary document of a manuscript during submission. Statements of informed consents are published in each manuscript as provided by the author(s).